Thursday, February 23, 2023

10 Years: From the Bottom of My Heart


It’s been ten years. I can’t imagine what life would be like and the grief of what could have been makes the thought unbearable. 

Grief is a hard word to define and the spectrum of sorrow that lies within is deadening. It’s where dreams are buried, opportunities are lost, and ears to listen sometimes seem like empty sympathies with each passing year. You feel like a victim, but in comparison you’re not. You never are. Somebody had it worse, so you tuck it in unreachable places only to be spoken of when you know you’re safe. 

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank those of you who have loved on me, prayed for me, and encouraged me over the last ten years. You bless me more than you know. You’re in my life for a reason, and I pray I get to bless you in return. 

